Welcome to ‘Life Rebalance’ – I am Dorset based energy therapies practitioner Katherine Williams.
A bit of background about me and the way I work with my clients.
Having discovered the considerable value of complementary approaches some time ago, during my own 20+ year ‘journey’ to recovery from ME/CFS, I have since continued to be passionate about energy therapies and their many applications. I continue to enthusiastically embrace these techniques in my own life. It is an absolute joy and privilege to be able to assist others with their diverse life challenges, and rewarding to observe the outcome.

Previous employment, experience and qualifications
Before helping others as a complementary therapist, I had a diverse career. Latterly, this included 15 years working in education. I worked for many yrs at a University as a type of placement performance coach for degree students and was a Further Education college lecturer/course leader before that. Prior to that, I was employed in various roles in the tourism industry, including working as airline cabin crew (in my very much younger day!)
Therapy Related Qualifications/Courses
- Formerly ran EM101 and EM102 entry level courses in Donna Eden’s ‘Eden Energy Medicine’ as a UK based authorised teacher in association with Innersource, USA
- Eden Method/Eden Energy Medicine most recent comprehensive CPD courses in Advanced Chakras & Radiant Circuits – study, written/practical examinations 2020 and 2022
- Eden Energy Medicine Clinical Practitioner (EEM-CLP) (further training beyond CP 2015-2016)
- Eden Energy Medicine Certified Practitioner (EEM-CP) (Practitioner training 2011- Feb 2015)
- EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) – ‘Advanced Practitioner’ AAMET Levels I, II, III (2009 +)
- Matrix Reimprinting – Fully qualified and registered practitioner (one of the first in the UK/worldwide – registered June 2009)
- NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) Practitioner training – ANLP and ABNLP Certificates (UK & US) May-Nov 2009
- ‘Master Practitioner NLP training with Coaching & Ericksonian Hypnosis’ course 2011-2012
- Colour Breathing Practitioner – personally trained by CB’s founder in 2009 and helped test the prototype product in the late 1990s
- Introduction to Counselling Skills Certificate (8 wk course) – 2002 – NB – this of course does not make me a counsellor/ psychotherapist!
- Postgraduate Certificate in Education (‘PGCE’ – qualified teacher status)
- DipM; BA (Hons); RSA Cert TEFLA
- Member of AAMET and GoE (Energy related professional associations)
- PHA member
- Fully insured
Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
I (like everyone else) never stop learning! I am a very dedicated practitioner, committing to literally hundreds of hours a year of study in addition to my client work. I am always keen to further develop and enhance my skills through self study, workshops, courses/further training, study groups, and undertake formal ‘supervision’ sessions from time to time as required by my energy therapies professional associations and training organisations.
- Donna Eden, June 2011
- Dr David Feinstein June 2011
- Practising reformer Pilates, meeting up with friends, reading, cooking, strolls in nature, music, self application of ‘energy medicine’ of many kinds (EFT, EM, Reiki etc), crystals, aromatherapy, swimming in the sea weather permitting!
How I work…
My approach includes exploring in partnership with my clients, to identify their particular challenges and objectives – many examples given on the home/welcome page of this website, and also the testimonials page. The client and I work together to identify the underlying energy imbalances, and agree a way forward. Depending on the individual, this may involve energy work such as ‘tapping’ for balancing emotions (e.g. phobia work), or Eden Method for relaxation/wellbeing/energy balancing. In many cases, a combination of techniques are used – e.g. for helping with the side effects and emotions re: conventional medical treatments.
Although this is not counselling, it is very helpful for emotional wellbeing and clearing negative emotions which you are ready to move on from.
For those who have no particular issues or challenges they wish to address, Eden Method sessions (client fully clothed on treatment table, and/or seated/standing and following along with gentle, simple techniques) are hugely relaxing and keep your energies in balance. I can check many energy systems (chakras for example) using kinesiology, and then balance these as appropriate.
The amazing thing about these methods is that (when tailored to the individual), they can be effectively applied to a variety of situations and issues. Please see ‘testimonials’, or chat to me, for just a few examples of the many types of issues I have worked with. Sessions also help the client feel more ’empowered’ and hopeful/positive in their situation, which I think is so important.
About balance…
In our so often busy and pressurised lives, it is my belief that we occasionally need to ‘step off the hamster wheel’, take a step back and evaluate whether we have the right balance. Too much stress, overwhelm and anxiety can lead to or exacerbate a variety of disorders, and we occasionally need to make (sometimes ‘challenging’) choices and decisions based on the messages we receive from our body. I know from first hand experience that this occasionally means making the decision to change the way we run our lives.
No matter what it is we want to ‘rebalance’ in our life, the process need not feel daunting – with a little help, it can be made to feel compelling instead.
I look forward to helping many more people to move forward positively and fully engage with life. I work in what is called a ‘holistic’ way, tailored to individual clients and their own particular challenges. It is probably easiest for us to chat about what it is that is currently challenging you, and to find out how I may be able to help. Please give me a call on 07525 48 88 50, or email me at katherine@liferebalance.com
Please note that in order to keep my own life and energies ‘in balance’, and to give clients the absolute best of me, I take on a limited number of clients/appointments at any particular time. Since my airline days I have continued to embrace the mantra “place your own oxygen mask on first before helping others requiring assistance”. I still believe today that in order to remain resilient, we all need to do that!