CURRENT OFFER – Eden Method ‘Radiant Circuits’ tune up
September/October 2022
Come and experience a one to one, ‘in person’ session of Donna Eden’s ‘Eden Method’ (also known as ‘Eden Energy Medicine’). I work with many energy systems including chakras, the aura, meridians and more, however this offer is specifically for a ‘Radiant Circuits’ tune up. This comprises a mixture of simple guided exercises and hands on energy work (client lying down fully clothed). The Radiant Circuits, otherwise known as ‘Strange Flows’ in Chinese medicine are the principal energy system relating to happiness, joy, awe and wonder. If we have been feeling a little lacklustre, our Radiant Circuit energies always benefit from a little ‘tune up’!
1 hour 15 minutes – £40 (this length session would normally be £50)
Offer subject to session availability
If you prefer an appointment for another type of Eden Method session, or for EFT/Matrix Reimprinting etc, please book at the usual rate of £40 per hour, £50 for 75 mins or £60 per 1.5 hours.
This is complementary therapy, not to be confused with allopathic medicine.
Tel: 07525 48 88 50 (or use contact page)

There are no workshops planned at the present time.